Category: word

  •   An idea is not a thing.

    A thing is the meaning of an idea.

    Between an idea and a thing is the “excluded middle”.

    “Mass cannot exist without space.” “Space cannot exist without mass.” A thing is made of mass and space.

    The existent is observable.

    What is observed is the meaning of an idea.

    The homomorphic and the real is the character of the observed. And in logic; identities is written as A is A; that is a thing to a thought looks like: 0-0.

    Since sculpture is the art of the thing and art is the act of observation; O——O as a thing is meaning to an idea is resolute.

    And this brings us into the idea and reality of dimension.

    One dimension is a line. 

    We have already established that ‘Identity is a line’. Let that line be the distance between two zeros (or, better yet, between ends).

    The “excluded middle” is raised in the Philosophy of Thought. Does this mean the distance is where art is: between idea and thing? Intriguing as this thought is, the “excluded middle” is more adept to explain the ‘gap’ between two things. That distance where those things are identified as being something in themselves. Just as the juxtaposition of mass and space is always opposed as opposites; all opposites are subject to the “excluded middle.” This makes sense; but what is the character of the exclusion?

    Idea takes this concept on in the premise of a syllogism. Where A is B; (A = A) is “contained” at (B = B). This is Boole’s X = X squared and the word “contained” is Leibniz’. But, as lucky as I am, the sculpture of this is pictured as:  a meta-square.

    METASQUARE , wire (in-a-picture) , 4” nominal .

    Where does a Philosophy of Thought get us in the real

    world? For one thing , an Identity is both real and an idea at the same time. As an idea two-dimensions is commutative meaning: AB = BA or as completely revealed: (A = A) = (B = B) = (B = B) = (A = A). In the real sense observed as a ‘collapsible’ square “contained” in its ends by a given mass entering and exiting ‘captured’ space. And it shows that the “excluded” middle is of two characters: instantaneous and long. Art revels in these proximities.

    Without upsetting the apple cart, how to we explain the two-dimensional meaning of this three (and perhaps 4) dimensional thing? Certainly our reality is accustomed to seeing any square flat. This does well on the face of a canvas; where two-dimensions can be explored in their entirety; where the idea or the imagination can run free as it will; but real depth is always wanting here. Sculpture gets us to what is behind the canvas: joints, meetings and correspondences … and “contains.”

    14 Nov 2022 , 11:29 am


    The syllogism goes ___ and as Leibniz put it: ___. In that he is demonstrating that Aristotle’s is Transitive. But sculpture – beginning with diSuvero does it like: ‘our first idea is our last’ ____ . 

    Where mass contain’s space, and space contains mass; we have the existent. This is life? 


    HEAD in name only. forged steel , 1 1/4 diameter 

    The homomorphic and the real are the opposites of a logical identity. 

  • 2022